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6 Most Beautiful Croatian Beaches Worth Visiting


''Where are we going to the sea this year?'' Most people ask themselves this question early in spring, and before you know it, summer is here, but the idea is still not in sight. If you are a creature of habit, you probably visit places you know and have been visiting for years, knowing exactly what to expect. But what if you made a change for once? You don't need to board a plane for this... it's enough to rent a yacht, catch a good wind, and explore the most beautiful Croatian beaches that will enchant you.

Why Go Sailing with the Family?


If you haven't been sailing or on any vessel with your little ones, Prima Sailing assures you that all worries are truly unnecessary. Some parents worry that this type of vacation is dangerous, that the children will feel seasick, that there will be too little space on the yacht, and that they will soon get bored.

Available for online booking and payable by the following credit cards

Mastercard Visa Maestro AmEx Diners Discover DinaCard

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